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Yin yoga poses

Find all your yin yoga poses here.

Build your own flow and practice for yourself wherever you are.

Add rebounds and feel your timing.

Enjoy & savasana!

Anker Melting Stones Text

Try it out for yourself.

Feel free to join the video and practice with me or contact me and get together.

Anker Melting Stones Text




Practicing yin means checking out of your yang-achiever mode for a while and reconnecting to your inner truth, light and freedom.


On a physical layer yin is a slow-paced practice, sinking into long, deep stretches to increase your flexibility and to strengthen your connective tissues, literally activating rejuvenation and restoration of your body, while enjoying deep nourishing relaxation. Yin has lots and lots of health benefits.


Yin combined with deep inner healing work is what I focus on. You get to connect tenderly with yourself. It is a meeting with your authentic you. In slowness you get to attend to that part of your being that tends to get neglected. Yin is exploring your inner landscape: getting to know interior locations to rest and recharge, to anchor and stabilize, see through the tricks of the mind, find clarity, connectedness, belonging, love. You get to dive into the relation of body and soul where your internal world can be entered through the body, and the inside gets revealed on the outside.


You practice to hold space for your very self, space of awareness, which is free of judgement and rush, free for you to arise, just as you are. Feeling and inspecting layer after layer you arrive at your truth. Truth, a space free from all pretensions and illusions. A space that works independent of the outside world. You start to feel the purity of yourself, you know who you are, what you need and what you are capable of. You form a firm base that allows you to approach life courageously and live the life you want!




Vinyasa Flow


Movement induces movement.


Vinyasa flow yoga is a dynamic yoga practice, flowing from pose to pose while synchronizing movements with breath. It emphasizes on the flow from one asana to the next, rather than approaching each asana separately. The creative transitions give a dancy feel to it. 


A practice to vitalize and uplift your energy, focused on building fiery heat, strength, endurance and flexibility through intelligent sequencing. In vinyasa we playfully sense into every corner of our body, and over time building the strength and space to feel delicious freedom inside our bodies and minds.


Through asanas we mobilize and liberate stuck energy, we bring back flow to body and mind, and we refine our sensitivity to the subtle body. A very grounding process. 


In my classes I very much focus on proper alignment and technique, using lots of individual adjustments for corrections, because only once the basics are in line the flow will bring the magic. I‘ll make sure every practitioner is seen and supported. 

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